Introduction to Fixed Income Seminar - Perth

Thursday 2 February 2017, 4:00pm AWST

Register now to secure your seat!

FIIG at a Glance

FIIG is Australia’s leading fixed income specialist. Since 1998 we’ve been providing investors with direct access to bond markets and a range of term deposits and other cash solutions. We also help Australian corporates fund their growth through access to bond markets.

Call us to speak to one of our fixed income experts who can talk you through the benefits bonds can provide in your portfolio.

Funds under Management
7, 000
Account Holders
18 years
Established 1998
FIIG Originated bonds

Thank you for registering for the seminar.

A confirmation has been sent to your email address and we will send you a reminder closer to the date, but in the mean time, visit The WIRE for the latest fixed income news, insights and research..

If you would like to learn more about fixed income, call us to speak to an expert on 1800 01 01 81

Event Details

Thursday 2 February 2017
4:00pm AWST seminar
followed by Q&A
Level 1, 131 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Light refreshments provided

Expertise you can trust

“FIIG has the total package regarding Bonds and associated Fixed Interest options with a very good easy to use web site, informative views available via Wire newsletter and good people back up.”

Joseph L, Vic

“ I like the reliability of income and low risk of my original investment capital over time that bonds give me. ”

Colin P, Qld